Conab releases its first harvest bulletin in 2025.

The National Supply Company (Conab) announced that Brazilian farmers are expected to harvest 322.3 million tons of grains in the 2024/25 season, representing an 8.2% increase compared to the previous season. This increase of 24.5 million tons is driven by favorable weather conditions during the development of the first crop. The total sown area is estimated at 81.4 million hectares, a 1.8% increase compared to the 2023/24 cycle.
Soybean Production
Soybeans, the main crop grown in Brazil, are expected to produce 166.33 million tons, 18.61 million tons above the total produced in the previous season. The average yield expected is 3,509 kilograms per hectare, an increase compared to the 3,201 kg/ha recorded in 2023/24. The planting of soybeans occurred mainly from late October, with harvesting expected to begin in late January. Weather conditions have been favorable so far, but Conab remains attentive to the climatic effects until the harvest is completed.
Corn Production
Total corn production is expected to reach 119.6 million tons, a 3.3% increase compared to the previous season. The first corn crop expects a 6.4% reduction in the sown area, but with a 4.8% increase in average yield, reaching 6,062 kilograms per hectare. Weather conditions have favored the development of corn in the main producing regions, with a harvest of 22.53 million tons expected in the first crop. The planting of the second and third corn crops begins this month and in April, respectively.
Rice Production
Rice sowing for the 2024/25 cycle exceeds 90% of the total area forecast, estimated at 1.75 million hectares, an 8.5% increase. Average productivity is also expected to rise from 6,584 kilograms per hectare to 6,869 kg/ha, resulting in a 13.2% increase in production, estimated at 11.99 million tons.
Cotton Production
The sown area of cotton is expected to grow 3.2%, reaching 2 million hectares. Cotton lint production is estimated at 3.7 million tons, one of the highest volumes ever recorded in the historical series.
Wheat Production
The winter crop harvest of 2024 is complete. Wheat production is estimated at 7.89 million tons, 2.6% below the 2023 harvest. The reduction of 14.2% in the planting area in the southern states and unfavorable weather impacted production.
Grain Market
Soybeans: Soybean exports for the 2024/25 cycle are expected to reach 105.47 million tons, with soybean meal and oil exports maintained at 22 million and 1.4 million tons, respectively.
Corn: Corn exports for the 2023/24 harvest were adjusted to 38.5 million tons. For the 2024/25 harvest, exports are estimated at 34 million tons, with projected consumption of 86.4 million tons. Ending stocks are expected to recover and close at 3.5 million tons.
Rice: Consumption was updated to 10.5 million tonnes. Rice exports for 2023/24 were estimated at 1.5 million tonnes. For 2024/25, exports are expected to increase to 2 million tonnes, with ending stocks close to 1.28 million tonnes in February 2026.
Complete information on the 4th 2024/25 Grain Harvest Survey and market conditions can be found on the Conab Portal.