Rio Grande Agricola SA
Rio Grande Agrícola is a Brazilian company headquartered in Porto Alegre, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The company's name is a tribute to our state and, above all, we are a proud "gaúcha" company.
Founded in 2015, Rio Grande Agrícola maintains partnerships with important companies in the Brazilian agricultural sector, in addition to working with soybean, corn and wheat producers.

Our activities
We work with high-quality plant and animal products and our business is to contribute to Brazilian agriculture by exporting commodities (soybean, corn, wheat, sugar and refined oils to various countries. Our experience has led us to be one of the few Brazilian companies to export agricultural products to China, with authorization issued by the MOA (Ministry of Agriculture of China).
Our expertise is to make the product more accessible to commodity buyers around the world, adding value to the product and generating results for the business. Wherever there is a need for food, we will be there to contribute to the development of a more sustainable and prosperous world.
Our clients are large buyers from China, governments in the Middle East and the African continent, as well as European companies.
We have extensive knowledge of national and international logistics, allowing us to streamline and facilitate negotiations with our best buyers and clients, by mapping all distribution channels, acting as facilitators of the export process.

The company's philosophy is to provide value-added services to international buyers, assisting all stages of the agribusiness production chain up to the destination of the merchandise, from planting and development to the delivery of the merchandise, seeking associated producers and structured companies to supply raw materials, directly to the industry inside and outside Brazil.
Our philosophy
Our mission
Add value to agribusiness, generating products and services in a sustainable manner and guaranteeing returns to strategic partners and shareholders.
Our vision

To be a company recognized internationally for acting responsibly, ethically and transparently in business, respecting and valuing the customer.
By 2028, consolidate operations on all continents, selling commodities and value-added products, generating positive results in all areas of the business.

From farms
Our strategies are carefully designed to create and maintain long-term partnerships with producers from all regions of Brazil.
We value and are dedicated to achieving the best results for your crops, through efficient international logistics and through negotiations that increase profitability and protect the investments of Brazilian producers..
RGA incorporates into its purposes and values a sustainable way of operating, always seeking alternatives that enable the production of food within legally accepted health standards, seeking partners, as well as periodically evaluating them, the best ways to meet the legal requirements of a sustainable company.
RGA operates sustainably, seeking partnerships with companies that protect the environment, as well as with producers and suppliers that apply only the necessary chemical products to their crops, preserving human life and also seeking to develop quality products and, preferably, that do not harm the environment.

In August 2015, our main founder met the charismatic and kind Mr. Soffanni (in memoriam) and, together, after great and valuable efforts, they founded Rio Grande Agrícola S.A.
The work proposal was to seek international buyers on all continents, starting with the first operation contracted by Vietnam, which involved the export of Brazilian corn, originating from Mato Grosso. Since then, the management of Rio Grande Agrícola S.A has faced challenging years.
In 2024, the company celebrates nine years of existence in the international market.